Monday, May 22, 2017

iPads for Autism

   Research has already proven that iPads are extremely beneficial in classrooms, but especially in special education classrooms. Today, we learned the benefits of using iPads with young children on the autism spectrum. As they said, “They’re not ill or broken, they just have a unique view of the world.” Their brains are wired differently that our, so their senses tend to be set on overdrive. Things that are normal to us can be difficult to them and things that are difficult to us can be easy for them. autism is the fastest growing developmental disorder in the United States, and boys are five times more likely to develop it than girls. It affects 1 in 68 people. ACC, This for That, Kids in the Story Book Maker, and Proloquo2go are just a few programs that can be used to improve their quality of life. These apps help student communicate in ways that was not possible before. By learning these programs in school, they can then carry them over into the world later in life and live a higher quality life. They not only work on communication skills teaching spelling, word usage, and phrases, but these apps also improve on social skills and behavior. Things to consider while selecting an app for a student is the ability to customize the program to meet the child’s needs, requisite motor skills needed to access the program, resources and time needed to teach iPad operation, if the app is research based, and cost or affordability. Make sure the app is purposeful and teaches the student as they use it, and it is not simply a time filler.

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